Advanced Palpatory Anatomy
Learn to recognize which structural elements are contributing to the misalignments that cause neuromuscular pain and dysfunction. Learn where to focus your work for the best session results. This is an advanced postural analysis course using palpation, passive range of motion assessment and visual observation to assess muscular patterns and structural misalignments.
36 Hours

The intention of this entry level course is that upon completion you will have a basic working knowledge of the muscles and bones of the human organism. You will learn to confidently "see" into the body's structure with accuracy and insight. Teaching modalities will include lecture, palpation, body assessment and movement.
$42, $25 Books Required
36 Hours

Brain Function Facilitation
Stress and trauma block the brain/body connections that support effective communication, emotional balance, and physical coordination. Using muscle testing, you will assess and release emotional, physical and mental tension to enhance deeper relaxation and clearer focus in your clients. This process de-stresses the brain so that higher levels of function are achieved.
12 Hours

Building Your Practice
This could be the most important part of your training! Building a bodywork practice takes a wonderful blend of skills from “big picture” planning to daily activities. This practical training focuses on developing and honing the essential tools that you need to create a successful business. Topics include: demystifying marketing, promoting yourself, skillful networking, record keeping, creating a plan, and staying inspired and supported. This course will use a “hands-on” approach. You will come away with many tools, and understanding of your own personal business style and plan of action.
$20 Book required
15 Hours

Clinic Orientation
Required for all enrolled CMT, CBW
& MBW Students before starting clinic. One time attendance only. Get acquainted with how the Alive & Well!
Student Public Massage Clinic operates. Learn how to locate client files, prepare
for your client, present your session and receive feedback about your progress.
Ask questions and interact with the community.

Conscious BodyWork™ Level I
Develop your intuitive rapport with others; discover the principles behind all bodywork techniques. Learn to see with your hands. Enjoy lots of hands-on experience and gain confidence in your ability to touch and massage. This course is for learning, relating, relaxing, having fun and discovering your own creativity and knowing. Required Book $30 video $20.
27 Hours

Conscious BodyWork Level II
Conscious Bodywork is interactive. When you engage your client’s participation using directed breathing to focus attention and intention around in the body in new ways, your clients can begin to change themselves from the inside. Learn more detailed strokes. Perfect your style, flow through smooth transitions, work with rhythm to relax and invigorate. Make your sessions the best - fun, varied, and back by popular demand! Level II, all new format with Level III great teachers!
24 Hours
Level II Lab
2 Hours each

Advanced Conscious
Learn specific protocols for resolving common Range Of Motion restrictions and restoring full function of neck, shoulders, hips and low back. You’ll learn activations, mobilizations, active spindle cell releases and hold release techniques for re-educating movement patterns. Layer your techniques for specific problem areas to get the maximum results. Learn to mobilize vertebrae with your mind. We will address military spine, sacro-iliac compression, excessive lordosis, frozen shoulder, dowagers hump and much more.
27 Hours

Counseling for Bodyworkers
Good counseling skills are imperative for any bodyworker. The body and emotions are profoundly interrelated and you cannot touch one without affecting the other. Develop your communication skills, learn appropriate methods for setting boundaries and limits, and manage issues of transference and counter transference. In this course, you will learn about the development of the emotional being as it relates to the structure of the body. By gaining familiarity with the psychological maps of the body, you will build confidence to meet your clients emotional needs.
Required book $25
6 Hours

Cranio Sacral Therapy I
The craniosacral system connects the spinal cord and the sacrum with a continuous membrane of connective tissue that houses the brain and central nervous system. Motor function, learning patterns, emotions, and ways of perceiving the world are affected by the balance of the craniosacral system. CranioSacral Therapy enhances the body’s innate healing mechanisms by gently influencing the craniosacral system. This workshop will present the basic protocol for treatment and normalization of the craniosacral system.
Prerequisite: CMT.
24 Hours

Cranio-Sacral Rebalancing
The cranio sacral system is fundamental to body function and visceral and metabolic health.
Its effects can be palpated all the way to the feet. Whiplash and head injury create disruptive patterns in its pulsations.
Learn to feel the pulsation of the cranio-sacral system and a 10 step protocol for rebalancing and normalizing it. Class includes relevant anatomy of the cranio-sacral system.
Cranio-sacral Re-balancing allows you to turn off the fight flight response which often persists years after an accident has happened. It calms the mind and enables the parasympathetic nervous system to turn back on. It is the parasympathetic functions that govern all healing response, digestion, cellular metabolism and meditative mind states. Assisting the nervous system to find relaxation allows you as a practitioner to get deeper work done with less work.
Two talented practitioners present a blend of the Upledger and Biodynamic approaches to Cranio-Sacral Rebalancing. Jackie and Shana bring 22 years of clinical experience to share with you. They both work with Jocelyn Olivier at the Healus Neuro Rehab Center clinic, enabling us to resolve complex neurological and neuromuscular problems with the addition of cranio-sacral approaches.

Deep Tissue with Michael McFarland
July 9, 10, 11; July 23, 24, 25
Class cost $848 for 36 hours of training in the best, most comprehensive short class you can find in Deep Tissue work.
Michael teaches specific Deep Tissue myofascial techniques, working with knuckles, arms and elbows for deeper work on localized tension or injury patterns. More than just a ‘deep massage’, it is the ability to work with increased depth, safety, greater ease and effectiveness to facilitate physical and emotional release.
Palpate to identify areas of tension, to focus work at specific layers of the body, working with the client actively engaged in correct movement patterning to release and re-educate simultaneously. Focus will be on correct biomechanics to enable you to avoid fatigue and overuse injuries doing deep work.
Michael McFarland is one of the all time favorite teachers at our school, bringing many years of clinical experience, compassion and teaching to share with you.
Prerequisite: CMT
Book required
36 Hours

Emotional / Energetic Tune-Ups
Using muscle testing, you can discover the emotional issues that contribute to chronic tension. Learn simple releases for the fixations that result from shock, emotional upset and our attitudes about life. Your work will go deeper and be much more effective than simply rubbing tensions away. Significant techniques to use after accident or injury, also for migraines and allergies.
9 Hours
3 classes

Establishing a Business
Learn what it takes to establish your new business! A nuts and bolts approach, this is an essential training for developing and honing the skills you need to create a successful business.
CMT graduation with cake and apple cider immediately following class.
5 Hours

Functional Anatomy & Physiology: Advanced Biomechanics
Beyond the knowledge of bones and muscles is the knowledge of advanced biomechanics, how muscles shape our posture and movement. Learn to analyze how injuries and chronic tension patterns affect other parts of the body; how an impact to the bottom of the foot can create tensions on the opposite side of the neck; how one tight scalene can ricochet throughout the body in spirals and diagonals. Specific tests to assess which muscles are causative in classic injury patterns such as rotator cuff injuries and knee sprains are presented.
18 hours

Compression Issues
problems are a common cause of low back pain and dysfunctions
of the knee. Gale will demonstrate simple yet effective ways
to release hip muscle to alleviate your client’s pain.
This course addresses how to relieve sciatic pain as well
as how to restructure your client’s hips into a more
comfortable and functional anatomical alignment. You will
be given exercises for your clients that will continue to
enhance your results.
6 Hours

Integrative Lymph-Visceral Massage
A strong and resilient immune system is critical to overall health. Integrative Lymph-Visceral Massage is the gentle and deep stimulation of the lymphatic and visceral systems. Level I introduces the structures and functions of these systems, location of organs (particularly the colon and small intestine), massage skills to improve the function of digestive and eliminative organs, and techniques for the head, neck and abdomen.
Prerequisites: Basic Anatomy and Massage
$40 book to be purchased at class.
26 Hours

Massage Ergonomics
Learn how to align your posture easily and effortlessly. Proper posture is essential to get the most out of your work performance. Learn how to prevent carpal tunnel, get out of pain, and maintain stamina. Do more massage and still feel refreshed and relaxed.
6 Hours

NeuroMuscular Reprogramming
72 hour Professional Development Course
NMR, our trademarked work developed at Alive & Well!, is a detailed and thorough structural bodywork which uses muscle testing to assess imbalances in coordination, and advanced techniques to correct dysfunctional coordination patterns at their source, the motor control center in the brain. Our NeuroMuscular Reprogramming graduates are in high demand. We receive more requests than we can fill for practitioners with this level of expertise. Isn’t it time you added NMR to your bodywork skills? NeuroMuscular Reprogramming differs significantly from other neuromuscular therapies. It is the missing link in rehabilitation: the perfect adjunct to chiropractic and sports injury care. NMR accelerates recovery from injuries, alleviates debilitating effects of repetitious stress, and optimizes athletic performance. It is easy on the practitioner, fast, non-invasive, deeply effective, with long lasting improvements in range of motion, strength, and comfort. NMR adds a new level of skill and speed to your bodywork. Learn tools and principles you can innovate with for years to come.
* Develop muscle testing skills to assess weaknesses and cue the brain for reprogramming.
* Learn complex muscle relationships and a relational approach to solving neuromuscular dysfunctions.
* Help you understand what you see when looking at structural problems.
* Teach rehabilitation exercises to condition the client's newly activated neuromuscular pathways.

NeuroMuscular Reprogramming Advanced
Advanced NeuroMuscular Reprogramming is designed to deepen and expand your NMR protocols and assessment skills, making you a more efficient practitioner. You will be able to achieve more results in less time with less effort. Solve complex problems with more confidence and a higher level of understanding of the interconnected patterns at work within the body.
30 Hours
Session 1: 1 class: Diagonals
Session 2: 1 class: Shoulder
Session 3: 1 class: Compressions
Session 4: 1 class: Knees
Session 5: 1 class: Demo Sessions

NMR: Scoliosis
NeuroMuscular Reprogramming protocols for stabilizing postural and functional support combined with brain integration modalities dramatically reduce the chronic pain experienced by those living with scoliosis. Prerequisite: Adv. Anatomy and experience muscle testing.
12 hours

On-Site Massage
The perfect massage context for promoting your work at parties, shopping centers, events, fairs, stores and conferences. Seated chair massage may become the stress relief choice of the years to come. Jocelyn's presents her favorite on-site tune-up techniques.
12 hrs

The foot, with its reflex points, is a map of the whole body. Learn a complete foot massage and connect it with reflex points throughout the body. Herbs and supplements are also explored.
15 Hours

The Shoulder-Advanced Release Techniques
Add energetic, myofascial, activation and facilitation releases to your repertoire for the purpose of restructuring the shoulder into a more functional and comfortable anatomical position. Gale has developed great moves that feel good to the clients and get great results at the same time. Learn simple, effective techniques to alleviate shoulder pains, as well as how to evaluate which form of release your client will respond to best. Exercises will be given that will best enhance your work.
Prerequisiite: CMT or equivalent.
6 Hours

Sports Injury and Cronic Pain
Classic approaches in sports injury treatment help athletes prevent further injuries. Catch them earlier and correct micro-trauma that leads to more severe problems. Learn to assess and treat the most common sports injuries: tendonitis, hamstring and groin pulls, iliotibial band syndrome, rotator cuff problems and more. We will focus on thorough palpatory anatomy, contra-indications and appropriate timing of treatment. Techniques to soften tissue and make optimal use of biomechanics will allow you to work more efficiently with less effort.
18 Hours
Supervised Clinical Practice
Supervised clinic practice is a valuable part of the CMT, CBW, and MBW programs
at Alive & Well! New students can begin clinic hours after their Level I class. All students are welcome to continue practicing in the clinic on a space-available basis after their program requirement is completed. The student clinic is typically open Tuesday afternoons, Thursday afternoons, and Saturday mornings – hours
can vary, so please check with the office.