NeuroMuscular Reprogramming (NMR)

"My practice tripled in the year after I took the NMR courses. When you can help solve people's structural problems, they send you a lot of new clients."
-Gale Ulvang, NMR Practitioner

Please visit our Neuromuscularreprogramming website at
NeuroMuscular Reprogramming: The Missing Link
At last! Solutions for your more challenging clients! NeuroMuscular Reprogramming [NMR] can provide solutions for conditions which have not previously responded to therapy. Practitioners who have been through the NMR courses have been amazed at how deeply effective their work has become through the addition of NMR. This advanced therapy blends well with other bodywork styles and is the perfect adjunct to chiropractic, physical therapy and sports injury rehabilitation.
What is NMR?
NeuroMuscular Reprogramming is an approach to structural bodywork that engages the motor control center in the brain to rewrite the motor programs governing coordinated movement. Our course teaches practitioners to quickly correct the dysfunctional postural and movement patterns that result from overuse and injury. These are the source of mystifying chronic pain and degeneration in muscles and joints. Practitioners trained in our NMR courses can assist rapid healing of acute injuries and relief from chronic pain.
How Does it Work?
NMR uses muscle testing to assess specific structural imbalances and the dysfunctional relationships within coordination patterns. Muscle testing expands proprioceptive feedback and cues the brain for reprogramming. Taking the NMR course enables you to be very specific in your treatments and to locate the most strategic place to work.
NMR is an essential piece of effective rehabilitation. It accomplishes results fast, and is easy on the practitioner. Don't depend on pure muscle; add some strategy to your work. Isn't it time you added NMR to your bodywork skills?
NMR achieves dramatic results for your clients:
Relieve pain; restore function and range of motion. |
Accelerate recovery from acute injuries. |
Resolve the persistent effects of chronic injury. |
Alleviate the symptoms of repetitive stress. |
Optimize athletic performance. |
NMR Testimonials
“ Truly innovative work! I’ve never seen anything like it.”
– Jerry Goynias, LPT, massage school owner
“ NMR has been a crucial and successful addition to my practice.”
– Lisa Borcich, NMR practitioner
Course Content: NeuroMuscular Reprogramming
72 hour Professional Development Course
Our NeuroMuscular Reprogramming graduates are in high demand. We receive more requests than we can fill for practitioners with this level of expertise. Isn’t it time you added NMR to your bodywork skills?
Alive and Well!’s NeuroMuscular Reprogramming differs significantly from other neuromuscular therapies. It enables the bodyworker to address muscular pain at its source: the motor coordination center of the brain. NMR adds a new level of skill and speed to your bodywork.
Learn tools and principles you can innovate with for years to come.
